Monday, November 8, 2010

Spinning Yarn on a Drop Spindle - Tutorial

Next Monday at the monthly Guild meeting, we will be getting a demonstration on drop spindles. I have one that I got when I joined the Guild and even though I read a description of how to use it, I was at a loss. This is clearly something that must be seen to be done!

I was thrilled to find several videos on YouTube that show how to use a drop spindle. My favorite is one by Megan at I’ve added it to this blog spot. Megan has several other videos as well from pre-drafting to finishing.

I have seen several different types of drop spindles.  I am particularly enamored of those made from nice hardwoods with perhaps a bit of carving or inlay. Some drop spindles are practical and made from inexpensive or recycled materials; many are clearly works of art in and of themselves. That they are a lovely tool used to create lovely yarn which is then used to create other lovely things is wonderful!

I’ve heard several viewpoints from those who are masters at the spinning wheel. Some say they never learned to use a drop spindle before they learned to use the wheel and feel they missed a step in the process, others don’t seem to mind this “missed” step. Well, I wanted to experience the cradle-to-grave process of this form of fiber art, so the drop spindle will be part of my skill set. I also like the portability of a drop spindle. Wherever you can take your knitting, you can take and use a drop spindle—clearly not so with a spinning wheel, even those that fold down for ease in transport.

I’m excited to see the program on Monday. Learning something new is always fun. Now if I could just talk my husband into working on some drop spindle designs for me… 

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